Monday, April 30, 2007

Lee Teuk's Stiches

Teuk, I read you had 170 stiches. that is like 170 stiches more than I have ever read before. I didn’t expect that . I knew he received the 2nd worst injury but seriously 170? That is like sewing a whole complete dress. Isn’t it obvious? the media totally abandoned him because of kyu hyun's serious condition but lee teuk is serious too. I’m dead worried. But teuk didn’t damage his angel wings. Teuk will never damage the things that makes him who he is. An angel with or without stiches---he will still be the angel teuk.
Stay strong teuk
Your teams need you.
Your fans need you.
I need you to be healthy and spazzy and talkative and saying the cutest word again!

we need to see your smile again!
we need your warmth again!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Super Junior Car Accidents News (19/04/07)
On April 19, a little after midnight, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Shindong, and two managers were on their way back to their apartment after a session of KBS Super Junior Kiss The Radio. While they were on the highway, the front left tire busted as the driver was switching lanes and the van ran into the guard rail and skidded for about 30M+.The momentum caused the van to flip over on its right side.
Shindong was the least injured out of the members, and has managed to leave the accident with just cuts and bruises on his face and body. He has been released from the hospital as a patient. Eunhyuk was also reported to have glass shards in his back, and was said to have stitches. both of them will be released from the hospital soon.
Leeteuk had glass shards too in his back, and had a successful surgery to remove them all. He also had a scratch near his eye and various cuts and bruises.Lee Teuk received 15 stitches.
Kyuhyun was sitting behind the driver's seat, therefore he was the most injured out of all the members. So far, he has a broken foot, fractured hip, broken ribs, and facial scratches/bruises. The fractured hip is bleeding and his broken ribs have come down on his lungs. He has already gone through tracheal resectional surgery to improve his breathing. They made a 1-2cm incision in his chest and inserted a tube so he can breathe better. Kyu Hyun's blood pressure is slowly recovering. His conditions seems to get better and it's getting more optimistic. later, It has been confirmed that KyuHyun oppa is awake and his face is even turning a rosy color (which is a healthy sign). He's taken his medicine and is sleeping now. let's pray for kyu hyun to be healthy and fit always! gambateh! ^-^
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
singing happy birthday song for her
the victim of the day ( i think lynna did the most on her face)
our chinese class students together with kfc chickens
our new found cutest friend in chinese class-mr wilson
he was feasting on the chicken