my chinese new year celebration is the same every year, pretty much like a yearly routine.
but i have never posted it on blog.
so here goes my post on my chinse new year celebration around malacca, my dad's side.
chinese new year eve

reunion dinner with my family is definitely something i looked forward to.
cause the table will served the best food i can ever find in the whole world.
, pork pepper soup, yam cake, rendang
, errr..forgotten the vegetable name that believes to improve your mathematical

ang chai is up on my house main door...
and this year mum bought a new ang chai.

the ox year in jonker street @ herren street.

there is this gan boon leong statue at jonker street.
a body that every girl will die for.guys, quick do more push-ups now and get a body like him!!!
guranteed to be a drool among girls!
uhhh oohh hoooo.

there is a countdown concert going on, with lanterns every where and night market too.
flooded with people of all races surprisingly.

the gate to enter the temple street.

malacca most beautiful temple.
amazing right?
chinese new year day one
me in red.
i want to hock.
i want to fatt
so i must wear red.
ok maybe it's not red.
but a friend of red.
jie jie and me.
when visiting all my uncles and aunts, everyone thought i was the older one or age difference only a year. T_T
i don't look that old.
after ang pau sessions, family photo session.
every year we will take a picture at the same place.
and dad always never smiled.
i still remembered i had this cny picture taken on 2005 which i put in akasia.
and xiang xiang, koo and the rest will always said
"ur dad looks like a soldier".hahaa
i assumed this year the comments from them would still be the same.

the sisters at my house garden.

my cousin's son.
oo i adore him so much.
he is so active, cute, and noisy.
reminds me of my younger days.

even my sis has a crush on him.

with sar kor.. dad's third sister.
this is only 10% of my dad's dad's side is too big.
and sometimes i couldn't remember their names or ranks

few hunks in my family with my sis.

and he found his girlfriend too.
alright not girlfriend but his cousin.

the elder's gathering while usually the young ones will be in the other side of the room.

me and my cousin.
we usually called him baby since he was young.
but now he is in form 2.
so no more baby i guess.
and see small eyes are just a trait in my dad's side.oo..and sadly
i inherited that.
i assumed they just finished talking.

me and my closest aunt who lectured me the whole day about relationship stuffs.

youngest rank in my family.

that's about six. where everyone is tired and sleeping on couch.
poor aunts.
so that's how my celebration went for the first day.
later i would continue on my journey of visiting my dad's side family and will only proceed to visit my mum's side on wednesday.
tiring but i will definitely miss all these moments.
oo and i found this picture in jillian's facebook.
i love this picture a lot cause koo look so cute..half asleep i shall say. =)
