I ditched my long-established blog for varied reasons, either i am tired of it or hate the fact that
too many people knew about my blog. Despite many years back I would have forked all the way
out to publicize my blog, I would not do it now. I grew up. Back then, all I wanted to be was popular, to be known, to be pretty, to be the one and only one. Those days when i wanted to be everything that everyone wanted to be. Back then, I thought life was all about being popular and getting recognized from people. But surprisingly as i grew up, I begin to hide under my shell, isolating myself from the outside and keep hidden secrets within myself. I find it difficult to express what I hold beneath my heart and felt alone occasionally. I wasn't a special person and wasn't someone's special too. My life is plain boring, revolving around myself only. And as i grew up, I realized I was more complex than ever. Was it just a part of growing up? Or just the something that was only found in me? Right now, all I want in my life is to do the things that I always wanted to do and care less of others' opinions on me.I may not be awesome but I can never change who I am.

and probably one day, I will be a superhero in myself.