The first thing that i did after c++ exam was none other than enjoying roti canai in mamak stall...together with shu ning, melissa, dd, and also jillian and christina (hopefully i get their names right).....and after that, we are actually cracking noises the whole night till nearly one in the morning but trust me those were not noises like the roaring of the tigers or the loud thunderstorm but the sound of romance, love and dignity..oo..i just love those combination of sounds between violin and piano ( key board more precisely)....we were singing and singing and singing the whole night. well, if you heard any violin or piano musics or tremendously loud laughter, that will be no doubt it was from my room (405)..sorry guys for disturbing your sleep last night but seriously we are too hyper active to control ourselves.

the violinist with the amazing skills-shu ning

well, if you are wondering what we were doing, we are seriously doing something stupid-a wedding ceremony. i was wearing the enormous yukata ( well, not in proper dressing for sure but you will definitely be able to see it tonight during language awareness night) and it was so long that it looked exactly the long wedding gown. so, we had this walking down ceremony with gash being the flower girl and shu ning accompany us with the wedding song- well, seriously, you might think we are crazy and absolutely i can never deny that fact.

and once the midnight arrived, we even went crazier and totally out of mind. i actually pair up my teddy tortoise with her new found mate, doraemon. you might think we are childish but at certain times, it's not wrong to be young again-after all i'm only sixteen. still a long long way to go.

left : shu ning's beloved violin that impressed us the whole night
right: our stuffs for yukata dressing for choir tonite.....surprise surprise!
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