the last place i want to go now would definitely be intec but time is short, my holidays are over, what more reasons can i give? i don't really hate intec but i detest the pressure, the tension, the stress, the assignments, the exams, and the food at there. i have been leading such a cosy life for the past two months, cuddling in the most comfortable bed, listening to the blasting musics, hanging out with my friends, cam-whoring with my sister..everything seems so perfect but now it's over..back to the suffering paradise..back to the torturing life..back to sad depressed life....if Doraemon do really exists, i am sure he is capable to prolong the time and allow me to have more funbut after all Doraemon is just another myth to trick small kids like me...
i gonna miss both my parents tremendously, the delicious food cook by mum, and how my dad and i quarrel just to get the remote control..and how me and my sis fight for the streamyx line....childish but that's what makes us closer as a family.
i am being dramatic over here cause i am still travelling back to malacca every week.....i definitely will cause there is nothing much to do in the hostel during weekends......i can't deny the fact that i am indeed a pampered kid being the youngest in the family, they showered me with so many love and i can't possibly live far from them...i am not really an independent kid but that's definitely something i need to learn.....
which block will i be staying in akasia? which class will i be? who will be my brand new classmates? who will be my lecturers? how did i fare in my exams? everything shall be revealed soon.......
if you guys really want to know how i feel, just click below and you will understand...
if cookie monster can only survive with cookies, i can only survive with more time...
p/s: i won't be blogging that often anymore simply because connection in akasia block sucks a big time...
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