my marathon day out begins with a night time with two of my closest cousins- joe how and joe yen....we had a drink in moori cafe somewhere near mmu and it's all under joe yen's, it was this time where each of us revealed tiny little dirty secrets within each of us....
after bored of talking, we headed to the bowling alley to bowl some't get me wrong plz.. :p..well, i definitely sucks in bowling..the last time i played was like three to four years ago...but i guess i wasn't that bad compared to my sis (sorry sis for talking bad about you here)....we had a game each under joe how's treat but obviously the guys fared better than us in bowling....

bowling game finished and what's next?? fair is a must must place too..i just love fun fair to pieces....cny music blaring out loud with loads of teenagers every single corner.....this time under my treat, we played bumper, it was so fun...the pit was small so practically we bang into each other every single the spinning sis and joe how weren't that daring enough to sit so it ended me and joe yen first it was fun but the ride lasted for nearly ten minutes which got us all dizzy and tired..haha i really have to say sorry to joe yen cause i continously cramp him into the corner...sorry ya but serioulsy it was a fun ride.,..
now, marathon day two together with my best buddy, actually cut fringe already...definitely look ten times younger and cuter...hmm,, i wonder what makes her cut her hair?? has she fallen in love???ooo..fishy...fishy.....
she went for a nail manicure which cost her nearly twenty bucks but looking at the results i guess it was definitely worthwhile....after all, it's cny....
(hey to all the guys out there, she is still single...if you guys want to know her, just let me noe ya!!!!! i can be the matchmaker this couple!!!!!!!!)
well, naughty shen insisted on posting it...
i just love her
alrite..enough of nail manicure moments...definitely causing all the guys out there dying of, some cam-whoring moments with my darling..hahahhahah
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