My friends been urging me to update my partially dead blog..sorry to disappoint you guys but time is seriously biting on me…..and I have a strong feeling that my little bloggie here is in a half-dead condition simply due to time deficiency and crappy internet connection….so, since I had good connection now, I shall go through my life quickly to keep my buddies updated on my miserable life…make sure you guys update me on your current life too…(especially to miaw jyi, tell me more about the girl who had crush on you :P)
1) Ausmat inter-debate is finally over……feel kind of weird when I felt so free during the whole week due to lesser tension and stress but I am definitely relieve that it’s OVER.
2) Went to sunway pyramid after ctu test which accumulates my guilt even more as I will be facing bio test on mon but I simply {MUST} need to buy something for mummy’s birthday which is just around the corner…..
3) After I flung my chemistry test, I flung again on my bio test (pretty much expected since I went loitering around sunway pyramind)……in short, I seemed to flung in every single test……..and tomorrow I will be having math quiz which I hardly understand the topic….Shen hates integration a lot.
4) Shen is seriously broke now…. In desperation of donation (just kidding….not that bad)…..i just forked out RM 400 for mummy’s birthday present and now I am trying to survive in one week with only RM 50 which includes expenditures for dobby, lunch, dinner and Malacca bus tickets…..will I be able to survive? I don’t think so as stuffing my tummy with only breads for just the past two days is killing me already…well, shen is the hungry monster out there…lol
5) I am practically being enveloped with an exam mind..considering that I will be having physic test next Monday followed by math test next Tuesday….great, now I have to reduce my sleeping time…..
6) Shen has start applying for her Australian universities...yippee……through IDP of course…..crossing my fingers now to make sure I don’t do silly mistakes while filling up the form…..
7) Shen is now keeping a secret from Melissa…lol…I doubt she will read my blog here…. But to dear Melissa, I find it hard to tell you the secret as it’s simply meant to be a secret….so continue guessing!!! Lol if she read this, she is so gonna be mad with me….
8) I miss Malacca a lot…seriously a lot…….and I miss my family and sister too…..
9) Shen’s brain is overloaded with multiple jobs ranging from incomplete assignments to untouched biology lab reports to unfinished chemistry power point slides to zero understanding oN physics…man, I seriously hate physic….what do we need to learn some electric currents and all those ridiculous formulation??? Hahaa lol…I am sure my engineering friends are so gonna debate with me about this…come on, biology is definitely more interesting….. J
10) Shen’s mid year exam is just around the corner….wait a minute, less than two weeks to be precise….oh dear………………what more can I say????
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