all of the sudden i miss people....
i miss many many people around me...
i miss many things....
i miss many occasions and events too....
and sometimes i wish i could turn back time...
to spend a little more time with them....
man, what's wrong with me????
uggghh...what's up with all this crappy sentimental feeling??

i miss my 5 Science 1 class a lot!!! i miss sitting beside miaw jyi, listening to her and siang singing in the class, bullying li lin as the world shortest class monitor, watching eunice's banana dance, looking at luah's and lynna's intimacy, enjoy mei yueh's masterpiece, dissecting frogs together with pn aidah, commenting how pretty mrs yip was, saying how cute mr low was and the best of all being known as the noisest class in SMK IJC!!!!
i miss form six life a lot.....i miss lower six beta a lot and how we always eat in the class secretly during recess, how terribly we complaint about the toilet, how much we enjoyed walking to the arts class toilet, how we are being scolded by madam teoh, how we rushed to complete ms tan loads of homework, and all the loves i received in mhs is uncountable.

i miss those day when eunice will organized a night at century mahkota where everyone gathered around to listen stories, where everyone squeezed in the small sofa to watch i am not stupid 2, where everyone challenged each other in chor tai ti and where everyone jumped into the swimming pool...i can't wait for the next outing after you guys have completed your stpm.

i miss those day where we were already grown up kids but still a kid at heart. i miss the time where we always rushed towards a playground when we saw one and pushed each other away just to play the swing and see-saw....i wish i am kid again..

i seriously miss lynna a lot!!!! i had been nearly a year since she flew to egypt and i wish she would come back during the holidays!!!! i hope you are doing great at there!!
i miss my best friend, seow lin a lot..gosh even though we just met two weeks ago, but it seems to me that we have not met for ages..hope you fare well in your exams and may our friendship last till we are old...
another person i miss tremendously is my so called kor kor, Darlynn...... most of the time you were busy when our old classmates went out together and i hope that you doing fine in inti....couldn't wait to see you again..and please don't grow any taller....hahah having difficulties talking to you..just kidding
i miss kim gary food a lot...especially the super delicious french toast....i wish we could rush out again to dine in kim gary at least once during this semester......and i am gonna make sure that i will go with a super empty stomach this time.
perhaps i haven't missed her yet but i know i am gonna miss one of my best buddy in intec as she will be flying to stanford soon...time really flies fast where i still could remember the first time i met you in standard 5 during Kuiz Kesihatan i think and then we met again in the science camp at standard six..we were like enemies from different school during our primary days..but unexpectedly, we landed togehter in the same class in form one where you will always call me llama and i called you yak, thanks to georaphy...... and from that day onwards, our friendship blossoms....and when you became the head prefect and i was the secretary, we met many ups and downs while handling the prefectorial board but i am glad that it does not affect our friendship...and suprising, our fate landed again in intec......and thanks a lot for willing to hear my craps on the guys i have crushes on around intec...i definitely gonna miss such a great listener like you!
i miss my japanese choir team a lot..i still could remember how badly we sang the first time during practice, how much we struggled just to remember the lyrics but our efforts definitely paid off when we did a performance that nearly blew out the crowd....i am glad we didn't disappoint gashini who put so much effort in this choir team and how strong our bond was after this choir team...i wish we could go up stage once again and sing till we drop...
i will be lying if i claimed that i never miss my 'family' in malacca...i definitely miss all my 'aunties', my brothers and my sisters...and i definitely miss my son too!!! hahaha i hope everyone is doing fine and someday perhaps we should take a family photo again!
i definitely miss my sister a lot and i seriously do miss her...i had been nearly half a year since i last saw her and i felt it was just like yesterday i sent her off but time really flew past just like that.....i couldn't wait to attent your convo end of this year and i am definitely so proud of you!!!!!!