HAPPY 19th Birthday, Ms. Jillian!!!!
mon, 23rd June 2008, intec ausmatians are down with parents-lecturers day...after handing in our IDP forms for uni applications, the six of us DASHED to sunway pyramid perhaps for some good food and good LIFE too......and also to celebrate jillian's birthday which fell on the day before that....
we watched 'GET SMART'...my ratings for the movie? how bout 3.5/ 5 stars? personally, the movie is pretty hilarious and funny but somehow the plot is pretty much predictable ( another cliche mission movie....)..i wouldn't claimed it was a wonderful movie but some movie that is sufficient to distress me from intec's old boring life.......Anne, the heroin in the movie is FREAKING HOT!!!!! even i am girl, i go drooling over her...oops....reminder, i am not lesbian..i am so damn straight.... <-_->.....sweat...
the girls day out ( jillian, christina, xiang, carolyn, melissa and me) definitely do not end at just a simple movie like that...lazing around in sunway pyramid will never be perfect without indulging into the spectacular food there.......
where did we dine this time??
(above kim gary restaurant)
food was pretty excellent especially for japanese food freak like me...... and the sushi there are pretty yummy too.... man, i just love the miso soup there.....err.....about the price issue, perhaps you guys have to be more prepared..it is definitely more expensive than sushi king but cheaper then
zen restaurant....
the ambience of the restaurant is pretty cool...i'm lovin it...
mon, 23rd June 2008, intec ausmatians are down with parents-lecturers day...after handing in our IDP forms for uni applications, the six of us DASHED to sunway pyramid perhaps for some good food and good LIFE too......and also to celebrate jillian's birthday which fell on the day before that....
we watched 'GET SMART'...my ratings for the movie? how bout 3.5/ 5 stars? personally, the movie is pretty hilarious and funny but somehow the plot is pretty much predictable ( another cliche mission movie....)..i wouldn't claimed it was a wonderful movie but some movie that is sufficient to distress me from intec's old boring life.......Anne, the heroin in the movie is FREAKING HOT!!!!! even i am girl, i go drooling over her...oops....reminder, i am not lesbian..i am so damn straight.... <-_->.....sweat...
the girls day out ( jillian, christina, xiang, carolyn, melissa and me) definitely do not end at just a simple movie like that...lazing around in sunway pyramid will never be perfect without indulging into the spectacular food there.......
where did we dine this time??
(above kim gary restaurant)
food was pretty excellent especially for japanese food freak like me...... and the sushi there are pretty yummy too.... man, i just love the miso soup there.....err.....about the price issue, perhaps you guys have to be more prepared..it is definitely more expensive than sushi king but cheaper then
zen restaurant....
the ambience of the restaurant is pretty cool...i'm lovin it...

Back in shah alam, seksyen 18
Time for some sparkling celebration...
it's jillian's party
secret recipe.
thank god the secret was an ultimate success.
(tina feeding jillian)

and some cam-whoring moments while in sunway pyramid..
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