alrite this might be a post that is super outdated, a post that i should have put up earlier...but due to many circumstances, i delayed it and ignored it..but finally i have found my final decision to upload it....initially i was reluctant to upload this post for i know it might hurt someone's feelings but eventually she knew it much earlier and i get hell of things from her..ugggg..ok, shen has got over it and time to move on...
for another similar post of this,
(mary anne's blog)
I still could remember those days when i was a small kid together with my sister where both of us who looked like some idiotic kids hanging tanglungs around my house gate..and eventually all our tanglungs burnt....those good old days.....but now i have the chance to celebrate mid autumn festival again with my friends and definitely without any burnt tanglungs

check out...everyone is smiling!
alrite, perhaps u shud turn around would be better to see ur smile, lol! :)(ppl in the pic : maryanne, jason, leslie, john, ong, jen pang, shen and koo)
xiang xiang : do heart shape using the candles!!!!and upon her commands, everyone was busy arranging the candles in heart shape..
(spot the pop-pops we had.....simply cool to play those stuffs again)

the tanglungs that gash hung around the tree.
if trees have sexes, i am sure this is a female with jewelleries on it and the male trees will be attracted to

still continuing on our mission to do a heart shape

a very random picture taken by mary anne when everyone is so unprepared especially but doesn't she looks adorable? she definitely do.

the crazy wacky ladies of the night.
*xiang xiang, shen, gash, koo*

the whole team who went walking around the jogging pathway carrying tanglungs with many people staring at's not that weird rite? nono....

gotcha...we are just like small kids playing fireworks with our lil mama gash watching upon us..

even the guys got excited playing fireworks..
so don't claim that only gurls are childish.
hypothesis rejeted. :)

conclusion : everyone just get excited seeing the sparkles and fire...

pop-pop war i shall call..
mary anne: attack attack attack leslie!shen & xiang xiang : run for our lives!!!!!
groupie pic taken by the professional gash.. :)

how could the guys possibly be more amazed with a small fire rather than focusing on the camera? lol ;)....
guys = fire
girls = camera

as usual boys are always more amazed with fire...

so that's my celebration for this year mid-autumn might not be the best but i definitely have lots of funs...some memories that will definitely remained eternally in my heart...
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