The three experienced tour guides of Brisbane - Shen, Xiang and proclaimed by my dear
jie jie, Shir Li.
yeap she is here in Brisbane a week ago and
i sincerely thanked all my friends for bringing her around especially
Chong Hao for introducing all those
yummylicious food especially that steaming hot pot Korean cusine.
Woohoo.. sis was whole week in
brisbane which is equivalent to a whole week of SUPERB FOOD.
i had a great time with my sis. i bet she did and my friends too. we love you to pieces. do visit us again.

i had never really wrote about Brisbane in my blog
so say hello to a brief introduction of Brisbane thanks to the pictures taken by my sis.
so that picture above is the view of Brisbane city. The blue building is the library while the brown one beside it is the Treasury
Building. The yellow bridge connects to
South Bank, the place i loved most. starts to love Brisbane? I DO.

here comes the famous city cat @ ferry that is well loved by my dear roommate. a city cat addict in fact. but i do love city cat too.

a better picture of our favourite transportation in Brisbane. but don't worry Brisbane do still have buses and taxis.
say aloha to South Bank my favourite town in the whole Brisbane. South Bank is an ideal laid back place for family and friends where they have man-made beaches, public swimming pools, park, wheel of Brisbane...simply everything there are lovely.

Street Beach. Australia's first man made beach.

South Bank has street performances too like those kinds of magic shows and stunt shows where all kids love it even a
pre-adult like me loves it too and South Bank has cinemas too, trust me for only
AUS 5.50 you can watch a movie.
i believe watching movie in Brisbane is the cheapest.
Batavia, our favourite coffee shop. lovely atmosphere with some many antique displays and tantalizing coffee drinks. i love it to pieces.

though at times we have to wait for a pretty long time to get a place to dine in
Batavia, it is really worth it. trust me on that. Koo's face tells it all. yummy and happy.

everyone loves
that would be first on your list if you visit me in Brisbane.

Wheel of Brisbane.
we did some spontaneous decision and decided to take a ride on it.
AUS 15 for a ride is way cheaper than in Melbourne. everything in Brisbane is definitely affordable. glad i am studying here in

that's us in the Wheel of Brisbane. less scarier than Eyes of Malaysia but definitely a more
magnificent view than Malaysia. from this wheel, we get to see the City of Brisbane, Brisbane river, all those bridges and even sun set. how cool is that?

and that's when i had my first taste of Cascade beer in West End, introduced by my
jie jie. i do trust her taste in this kind of stuffs.
lol don't worry it is only 0.8% alcohol. nobody gets drunk with that amount not even a
noob drinker like me.

i proudly present my majestic University of Queensland to my sister. she is pretty amazed with my uni though. i love my uni. so does she.
at the entrance to the Great court, every students' favourite hang out place. i love great court so much that i can just lay there and sleep for the whole evening. mushy grasses.

is just laughed upon our childishness. it is not wrong to be kid sometimes. it is a way for us to release stress and tension. For instance, sharing a box of ice cream at Gold Coast. ice-cream tastes so much sweeter when it is being shared.

that's the first pic i took with my sis just a few hours after she arrived at Brisbane. don't we look alike? that us in front of Treasury Casino in Brisbane City

the whole gang on the way to Harbour Town at Gold Coast for some real good deals of shopping.
that's where i bought my orange
nike shoes. i shall blog about my
buying soon.
huhu that will prove my addiction into colours lately.

the famous and legendary hard rock cafe in Gold Coast, some typical authentic place.

us in front of Q-Deck, Observation Deck. the tallest residential building in Australia near the beach.

that's Q deck. not sure how many floors they had but we only went up till 77
th floor. but with just that height, we can see the whole stretch of Surfers
Paradise, houses, Gold Coast and railways and rivers. eye-catching.

what we saw from the window of Q deck?

the crazy gang on 77
th floor.

we fell in love with a kid on the 77
th floor too. blue eyes and blond hair how irresistible is that.
shen and ha-ha-ha-
maybe due to the differences of the air pressure, all of us start to get out of mind. crazy. weirdo freaks.

the three lovely ladies.

and even crazier till we activated our monster mode.

random picture is always the best. it tells a million things.

at the entrance of Q-deck, there are rows of woods where we started to use them as our cam-whoring equipment. hiak hiak hiak!!! proves that we are slim and fit to enter the loops.

happy kids in Gold Coast.

that's how i spend for the first 5 days of my easter Holidays by having my sister within my group of friends. i am glad that they mingle well with one another and i do love to have my sis back in Brisbane again. do visit us again and again! we won't get bored of cool people like you! love ya!
the happy shen.