last whole month was a disastrous one. i was so upset with life for the past two weeks till now when it was finally settled. renting a house in Queensland is a pure headache. i despised the fact that Queensland is so unlike Melbourne or Adelaide or Sydney where those cities have many high rise apartments, college squares, studios and flats for rent. in Queensland, the only possible places we could stay in are houses and to rent a house, it is definitely not that easy.
finally i can flashed my smile again about my accomodation.smile smile smile

revealing the ordeal that the three innocent girls have undergone.
a fire inspection has been done on our house recently and according to the new regulation legalised by the city council, a house can only have 5 residents to the maximum. However, the house i am currently residing in has 9 people including all the three units which is utterly against the law. Unfortunately, the three of us are asked to leave the house.

yeah finding a house in the middle of the year is a pain in an ass. oops. i take that back. but i was seriously pissed off with the whole process of searching for a house that i even ended up having random idea of buying a tent and pitching it up in the middle of my university field. how
desperate i was at that time

we did inspections for several houses and the very first house we applied for was rejected by the owner for some unknown reasons. i was devastated at that time. i skipped three lectures on that day just to settle all the applications and was only spilled with unwanted news in the end.

and finally we ended up applying for a house in
indooroopilly and was hoping the best during the application. thank goodness it was approved but even more documents were required from
jpa's elaun list to parents' financial
guarantee. i was so irritated that i could not even cry for all my tears have been dried up.

after much fear, pain and tears
, we finally found the house that was willing to approve us. i could finally sleep soundly at night after so many days of worries of being homeless.
at that moment, i realised i became mature so much that i learnt to be
independent in so many ways. compared to friends in
Melbourne or other places, i believed that i learnt so many things from being accepted and rejection.
trust me the whole process of finding a house was solely done by us, the three girls only.how proud am i of myself.
so these will be the last few days of us in our old home, highland
though the house is small, but it is filled with memories and warmness.
i will miss my bed, my table, the kitchen and even the toilet with creepy mushrooms growing in it. everything seems so surreal that it is only two months and i actually miss that home.

i hope that my new house will give me the same feeling too and a house that is totally free from problems both the agent and the owner.
please please please. i am truly tired of finding another home.
ok i am done with my complaints and stories. wondering what's up with the pictures?
we were just cam-whoring in our rooms for the last time.we had so many idiotic ideas of taking pictures from changing our hairstyles to posing with our teddies.
forgive us if you feel that our pictures are totally absurd.
we are just plain
janes who finally can settled down.
yes yes yes finally i look younger than my age.for everyone claimed that i looked mature and even older than my sis. =(
no way.
i am four years younger than my sister.
jie jie, faster grow up please to reduce the misconceptions among people.

sweetie pies aren't we?
great housemates make a great place to live in.

crazy people lives in harmony too.
omg we are totally

but i just can't stop uploading all these pictures. it just reminds me of my younger days as those innocent kids free from worries.

but seriously sometimes living with two girls are
dangerous. you might just get raped by them
my housemates are great people who care for me.

may the new house will be a blessing in disguise!
may everything shall be settled for now.
may i sleep soundly at night too.
thank you.
the happy kid shen.
It does pay off, doesn't it?
I will only find for new flat, maybe next year, after finish this first year. I am wondering why there is no senior to help you out?
Goodness....you all surely are having fun huh?? WTF. =)
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