ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!our super delicious steamboat.
king prawns, tiger prawns, shark meat, scallops, musselss, dory firshes, hotdogs, chicken fillets, meehoon, egg noddles, spinachs, lettuce..
what a feast!
celebration for the exam freedom

we had two rice cookers with two different soup bases - tom yum and chicken soup.
it took ages for the soup to boil in rice cooker.
but we waited patiently by cam-whoring. =)

funny picture isn't it? but worthwhile definitely.
wonder why chong hao face gotten into this shape?
that's just simply because he wanted to block the camera.
dalam bahasa melayu, padan muka. wakakaka

two tamchiak humans snatching my food away.
how dare u??

finally we are feasting on our long served food.

more cam-whoring after eating.
check out haziq's sexy butt!

after filling our growling stomach, horror flick time in my room.
the coffin.
the happy shen.
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