as most of my friends are officially entering the adulthood this year, 21st birthday celebrations are so often lately. i blew off 2 of my friends' celebrations due to uncertainty and over occupied schedule of mine. finally, i attended one of my closest friend's 21st birthday which was part of my cny celebration too. happy belated birthday, lilin. hopefully you had a blast on being a big girl. =)
doll-ing her up for the big day of hers with the help from professional make-up artist. not exactly professional but she is a friend of ours who is really good in make up. being a girl isn't that simple, looking fabulous on our big day is a big deal in our life.
the results from the long process of putting out the best from her. i believe that every girl is born beautiful and beauty simply lies in the eyes of the beholder.
and even this friend of mine experimented with the mascara. i think she had a horrible nightmare in removing the mascara later at night. she totally freaked out. how cute is that. just check out her post here.
a picture with the beautiful birthday girl. it is really hard to see her dressed up on usual days. trust me, lilin you were really gorgeous that night.
i just can't describe how much fun i had these three months with all my friends back home especially you siang. bringing me around malacca, telling me stuffs,keeping me updated with gossips and feeding me endlessly with scrumptious food. i am so gonna miss you. not just a so but a definite so. favourite photo of the day simply because one simple picture expressed so many emotions ranging from the enthusiasm in counting the fried wantons to the excitement in watching the counting process to the half-drunk look displayed as the background though she is not drunk. one picture a million words.
birthday parties are really awesome in some ways, bringing everyone back face to face instead of just facebook-ing with one another and meeting up with more people instead of just with people within the range of your close buddies.
now if you guys are starting to give me the suspicious look for being a potential lesbian as all my friends are only girls, i am sorry but to disappoint you. as a matter of fact, i was from an all girl school throughout my eleven years of schooling and i had lots of girlfriends but fewer of boyfriends. the consequences of studying in a single sex school.
but the best part i enjoyed most being with girls only : none of us are pretending to be someone else be it rowdy or tomboyish or femine or sexy. we are all natural as one.
ok it is not like i don't have a single guy friend at all. i do have friends of all sexes but just lesser in terms of male gender.
the birthday night ended with the usual cny tradition of gambling. i did not join in the fun because i fear of losing the money i won from the gambling with my friends the day before the party. chicken hearted. i won about 25 bucks excluding the initial money i invested. not bad i guess for an un-pro gambler like me.
say cheese! Happy Belated Birthday, Li lin! May the best be flourished upon you!
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