something that i learnt from this week was not to put false hope on something because you will only hurt yourself. yes i had the hurt. i do not blame on anyone except myself because i looked at things at the wrong way and believe too much on fairy tales ending. someone should really sue Walt Disney for making us believe that fairy tales do exists through movies like Cinderella, beauty and the beast etc. because in my life, fairy tales do not exist and there are just pure crap.
but however, all the hurt and sadness i experienced in this week had make me a different person. especially in terms of believing fairy tales. lol. Tears do happen and yes i do endure, grieve but i will move on. and i now believe that the only person who is with us our entire life is ourself.
the funny part of everything was i lost something precious to me but in return, i had 3 extra new things ; a friend who will cook lotus soup for me when i am sad, a friend who will download anything that i requested when i am sad and a friend who will be there to wipe my tears when i cry, accompany me for shopping and treat me a seafood pancake. if i knew i am going to get royalty treatment like this, i am so gonna cry everyday. nah, just kidding, crying hurts a lot and i might have cried a gallon of tears this week. Thanks a lot to the three of you guys ( you know who you are) because without you guys, i would have never felt better.
anyway, life goes on and so i am bouncing back to my normal life like how it used to be two years back revolving around friends and families. so worry less about me because i am doing absolutely great now.
a couple weeks back, i received this really interesting email from my mum and i thought it would be great to share with you guys on a couple of stuffs from this email. the email was about on How to stay young and happy for instance:-
a) Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you grasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots of time with him or her.
Now i know why i was so emo in Brisbane simply because I am not having my big laughter friend, Siang Shu Hua by my side. She always make me laugh and without her in Brisbane, i became totally stoned at times.
b) Enjoy simple things.
c) Surround yourself with what you love like music.
so that totally explained my extreme craziness into korean music lately as in more extreme than usual simply because i was sad and i found stuffs that could keep my mind busy. apart from the awesome music, i was entertained with desirable eye candy too. lol just like these: (Behold! Caution! If you hate korean songs, stop reading this post. )
my self-compilation of my dong hae in bonamana mv and performances. he is definitely my number one in Super Junior group.
my 2nd self compilation of my favourite dance moves in Bonamana mv. and at times i do prefer watching their live performances more because they had much awesome clothing there but something for sure nobody could dance better than them.
my 3rd self compilation of my favourite scenes in Love Mv by CN Blue. yes i do like jong hyun and min hyuk tremendously and sometimes it just irritates me a little when jong hwa is getting all the camera-attention. he wasn't my favourite in cn blue and even in you're beautiful series but of course he is an awesome singer that i can't deny.
and my final compilation of Sweet Holiday performances by Cn Blue. jong hyun guitar-ing skills and the mesmerizing white acoustic guitar. if only i could have one guitar like that.
don't call me crazy please.
trust me it ain't easy in getting the right part of the mv and print-screening it and compiling all of them together. well, i am doing it in the manual way. lol. ok, that's all for now.
mummy & daddy, i am doing really fine as you can see i am totally crazy about my korean music as usual. so do not worry about me!
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