With exams done, nothing could be more pleasurable than an enjoyable meal. well, in my dictionary, simple stuffs like that are totally sufficient to make me contented. and that simply explains me being a piglet ( given by my dear friends back in intec).
1) the amazing super mind blowing burger and fries from burger urge. the fries have crinkly skin and they are like the most delicious fries i have ever eaten, dipped in this super yummy-licious homemade garlic sauce. together with the humongous homemade burger. classic western meal that i crave for more.
2) an epic failure of shen's version of oh chien(fried oyster egg). i was craving for this since i was back in Brisbane. i tried doing it but it turned out to be a total epic failure with jelly kind of flour and the absence of oysters. well, my roommate told me that it tasted like the real oh chien despite the horrendous look and texture. this is my aim for now- "to successfully cook a proper oh chien before second semester. "
3) guess what i just eaten this really amazing bak zhang. i did not buy it. it was done by my very own friend, Chong Hao. My first bak zhang in Brisbane and my first bak zhang done by my own friend and it tasted hell of awesome. he should really consider selling bak zhang next time because i would be his first customer for sure.
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