My rather mind-blowing amazing sis's birthday is finally here.
The glorious 24 year old sister, an amazing sis that I adore so much.
I can't deny the fact that at times, you are more than my sis.
My best friend and my soul mate.
There is no better friend than you sis, and there is no sister better than you for sure.
You are just simply that amazing.
You never let me down and honestly, at times,
I feel that you are even better than the Santa Claus
For you knew exactly when I had been bad and good.
And the best the thing about having you,sis?
When mummy and papa don't understand, you always do.
A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves- a special kind of double.
and that's exactly how we are, dear sis.
I love you very much and you have brighten up my life in so many different ways.
Have the best birthday my lovely sis even without me by your side!
Kamsamida! Thanks for the lovely birthday post :) So sweet of you. U r the Best-EsT sis ever! I love you and miss you so much. xoxo
huyiooo even i m not ur sis!!! i oso feel touched man!!
so nice la both of u !
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