since my last post or since my sis was back in Malaysia, I was so preoccupied for the past two weeks, travelling to Putrajaya, Muar, Kuala Pilah, KL and celebrating friend's birthday, Xmas countdown and New Year Countdown. i blame no one, but myself when i put on endless weight.
one of my best old buddy in Malacca, Siang's 21st birthday. Thanks to Onn's extraordinary, astonishing, mind-blowing and fascinating handmade book, this dear friend of mine shed priceless tears on her birthday.

as I am the only one studying in Australia, while the rest studying abroad in north or in Malaysia, reuniting with my whole group of friends seems impossible within these few years. we may seem rather small currently but I am certain that in a few years time, we will be 'one' again.
Popsicle that I miss so much, the cheapest ice-cream and yet the one I missed the most while I was in Brisbane.
Popsicle that I miss so much, the cheapest ice-cream and yet the one I missed the most while I was in Brisbane.
cheesy ain't it? oh well, at least my Malay ain't that rusty yet. The awesome two who brought so much laughter, though I only had a few weeks with you guys, you both deserve a lifetime memory in the brain of mine.
the so-called transportation that i miss dearly: Bicycles. and thanks to these awesome friends, this desire came to an end. I am an official big time loser when it comes to activities that demand energy and stamina. I lack of both, and I struggled like a mad woman, cycling up the hill, across the forest.
being a kid has no age limit, and being a kid occasionally makes you laugh. But well, obviously you need friends who is willing to tag along your childishness. I found mine, no I didn't, more like they unleashed the child in me.
The seamless childishness worsen when the sea-saw was further manipulated as a weighing scale. And the Winner takes it all, the pride specifically.
and nothing could end this post better than a candid picture with a simple smile that friends carved on your face. precious.
ok i am lying. this post shall end with my newest drug, Yoo Ah In. I am not sharing him with you, Siang.
hey,the heading spelling gt one little mistake,missing an "i" there serendip"i"ty..kahkah i like the new template,but where's the little comment box pulak?
ahhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahah run and hide in the thanks a lot for noticing sis din even notice it lol.. i remove the comment box cuz too many spam msg hahah
so touching!!!
he got misai. give me i oso tak mau.. ah siang like white potong chicken de..hahahahahahhahaha
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