as cny is just about two weeks and a half away, the spirit for cny is getting livelier.
weeks before cny are just something that i look forward every year because mum will be busy buying cny goodies and food such as my ever favourite lap cheong, hai sem ( sea cucumber), pork pork pork... and.... there will be loads of cny delicacies around my house too ranging from nga ku chips (arrow root chips) to kerepek pisang to muruku to kuih bangkit to chicken floss roll to love letters to pineapple tart. yummy..... definitely a season to gain weight and it is totally unavoidable for me. and there will be loads of crazy sales around and what i love about cny sales? the bras are freaking cheap. i meant it. real damn dirt cheap. and and the ambiance around the town is lovely, malacca is rather highly populated by Chinese and cny celebration is rather grand over here... tanglungs, banners, cny music blasting out loud at every single shops.. so how can i not feel the cny spirit?
third time heading to kl zzzzzzzzzzz... but this time with sis.
in fact, before we went for shopping spree, we went to putrajaya to settle my sis sponsorship stuffs.. and ironically, the juniors were having their pre departure Australia briefing at there on the same day . the same builidng that i went last year by intec bus, dressed in coat and long slacks, listening to long long talks till late evening and jumping queues to get the travelers cheque. memories.

better stop typing now because i don't see the point of this post. -_-''. sorry everyone if i wasted your time reading this post. hahaha.. till then, i shall have fun being a busy bee preparing for cny. and then back to brisbby. =( heavy heart. donwannabebackthere.
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