i resumed my cooking obligations after 2 months of holidays and exams.
and back home, who would want to cook when they are being fed with the best culinary skills by their loved ones? mum especially. not me.
but now, i have to prepare my own lunch as my mum return to school.... i have the whole kitchen by my own. i am writing here to share with peeps out there one of my all time favourite dish, fried pasta. in fact, it is one damn common dish. if you know about this dish and perhaps a better one, stick to your own recipe. and if you find mine faulty, do let me know. at least,i can improvise it. =) but not too many bad comments k? lol.
use any of your favourite pasta type. i hate spaghetti the most and honestly, i am not a fan of pasta especially those cheesy ones. i had a bad experience of food poisoning after consuming cheesy spaghetti from bakers cottage. instead, i opt for spirals, macaroni or fussilli most of the times.they are yummy without cheese of course!
the basic of all pasta dish is to boil the pasta. i did mine by boiling them in water with some sprinkles of oil, pepper and salt. it would taste better if you boil it that way. after the pasta is cook, drain them and rinse in cold water to avoid them from sticking together.
fry chopped garlics and onions till golden brown. if you are big fan of garlic like me, i add heaps of them (3-4 cloves). saute the chicken ( marinated with cornflour, salt, pepper) for 10-15 minutes. add in any additional ingredients of your choice. as for me, my top list of ingredients would always be capsicum, carrots and celery. and then, add in the pasta and stir fry them. add in some soy sauce, pepper and salt according to taste. at certain times, i substitute soy sauce for other sauces such as bbq sauce. you can try other sauces too as long you like it. experimenting new things is the main fun of cooking.
plate it up and enjoy your meal! yummy! easy and delicious. i could never get enough of this dish.
hope you guys enjoy this recipe. if you have an even better recipe, do share with me. i would love to make it better.
p/s: i visited my secondary school yesterday. it was an awesome experience. shall blog about it soon once i gathered all the pictures from my clicks.
in my school library. the library that never changed even after 4 years. the same books, the same decor, the same librarian and the same smell too. good old times.
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