just check out the MASSIVE MASSIVE crowd there. Brisbane's festivals never fail to impress me especially in the terms of attendance wise and responses from the people itself. you would never expect such massive crowd in Malaysia organized events.

and Greek food is full of awesomeness such as those Honey puffs. we had three plates of this, the first one was average, the second one was free from a random stranger (how lucky we were) and the third one was Superb from a different stall. a must eat Greek food. yummy-licious.

marinated octoups, another definite must eat Greek Food. we had this twice, and it tasted so good and i enjoyed the chewing part too.

and Halloumi (cypriot cheese), another thicker version of naan with super delicious cheese in it. i adored this so much and though the food were rather expensive, we really enjoyed all the food we bought. no regrets for sure. oh, the stuffed capsicum was delicious too!

the scariest ride i have seen by far that i will never take in my life. sometimes i do admire the bravery in Caucasians. they never had the second thought of fear and would just jump onto those freaking scary rides with laughter and no tears.

one of the kiddiest game we have ever played but yet the most awesome, thrilling and exciting one! and i had so much fun in this and all those small little things on movements that i experienced in the house there was far more worthwhile than all the rides i took in dreamworld.

another killer ride that we mistakenly believe that the smoke released from the machine was a sign of mechanical breakdown. it turned out to be just another extra effects of the ride.

the super bouncy jump ride that we took. it wasn't scary but it was definitely an awesome feeling of bouncing up and down repetitively, forward and backward too.

in the Greek church which was opened for public viewing. beautiful place for sure.

just check out all those paintings on the church's ceiling. so meticulous, refined and nicely done.

balloon time with the balloon size according to the owner's body size. and the orange one is definitely the biggest of all. wakakakkaa. just kidding.
i thought i lost my skills in blowing a balloon but hey surprisingly i did not.
Greek Paniyiri Festival was really fun, we stayed there for nearly 6 hours and we were entertained with Honey puff eating competition, belly dancing performances, Helenic dances and even the Greek Gods introduction. but we missed the fireworks in the end. what a waste but this is definitely a must go festival for sure! something that i will look forward again next year especially all those good food.