shen's endless misfortune.a few months back, i was requested to leave the house we were renting.
spending the whole two weeks walking around st
lucia and
indooroopilly to search for a house, i thought that it would be the first and the last
misfortune to happen in Brisbane.
two weeks ago, i was trapped in the bathroom and was saved by four hunky
firemen. well, that turned out to be a funny
incident instead of a
misfortune. But still who would want to be trapped in a bathroom?
and yesterday, was the
PEAK of all misfortunes i had in my whole 19 years of life. i never thought it would ever happen to me. but it did.
Some Hot oil from the frying pan spilled onto my left thigh and palm.(don't worry it is not that i was burned, i was just scalded).
so this is how the story began.
adventurous me as usual decided to cook some fried chicken wings. deep frying for the first time left a lifetime memory for me. how 'wonderful'.
when the frying pan slipped from the stove, i tried to save it using my left leg ( trying to be a heroine!
haahah). that was just my
uncontrollable reflex reactions. blame it on my nerves impulses.
lol. as my mission failed and ended up with hot oil landing on my left thigh, i did not reacted for i felt nothing and i thought it was nothing. i tried saving the pan again using my left hands and again the oil spilled onto my left palm.

the burn immersed with cold gel.
so it wasn't obvious anymore.
that was the moment i felt
excruciating pain. stinging pain. throbbing pain. burning pain on my left thigh.
hahaha i must have screamed like a mad woman, scaring both of my housemates, running to the bathroom and ran it with cold water. i saw nothing on my leg and i thought it was fine. i assumed it would be the usual burn like those you felt sometimes when you were normally cooking with oil splashing onto your skin.
i was fooled by my assumption. eventually i saw red marks on my skin and the pain won't stop.
i cried. my housemates were scared and they told me to put toothpaste on it. yeah i called my mum and that's what she told me to do too.
and because the pain won't go, my housemate called the paramedics. the paramedics came and they said "WHY YOU PUT TOOTHPASTE??"..
hahaha well, i wasn't supposed to do so according to them. i was asked to wash it away.
they gave me
penhtrox ( some kind of drug that will eliminate any type of pain) which made me drunk.
so i am fine. no worries. just a red burn on my thigh and some patches around my palm.
moral of the story, do not try to save a frying pan and your chicken wings. let them die not you.

bandaged shen