Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ekka Festival

this is what i call as FUN.
Ekka festival turns out to be one of the most prestigious event celebrated by the Queenslanders. ekka festival in Brisbane is a festival that is celebrated for a period of ten days with even a special train operating directly to the ekka site. I have seen on tv on competitions like cattle judging, milk quality judging, horse breed judging and etc and this is what Ekka Festival is made up of. Pretty surreal to be exposed to something you have actually seen it on tv for your whole life. Generally, the Ekka consisted of a variety of programs such as shearing demonstrations, firework display, cattle judging, food showdowns, showbag pavillion, and equestrian matches. There is a even a fun fair with more extreme rides I had sat in Dreamworld and Movieworld but we did not sit any for they were costly.

the colours of every boo
th at the fun fair were really enlightening.

i used to play this game called carnival circus on my sis's nintendo and they have all sorts of games which were actually TRUE cause i saw every single one of them in Ekka. how unbelievable. pretty much like an exact copy.

all those fluffy toys waiting for their owners.

shen became over-excited over a fat cow ( good breed obviously).
though cows do stink at times and get pretty unbearable sometimes, who would want to miss the opportunity to actually pat and touch them?
not kampung cows but good quality cows.
(just check out the amount of milk that cow had!!!)

and i actually saw many quirky farm animals too during the festival. for instance, meet this charming mr alpaca. cutie pies, aren't they?
alpacas are bred specifically for their great quality of fibers.

few words to descirbe them "hen ke ai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
even the way they eat.

the evolution of blind mice into a species that i somehow forgotten their names. lol.

animals parades and how should i describe the parade was?
it was similar to each countries parading during Olympic but only replaced by animals and on certain times, you can see the whole parade/ line stopped moving because of one particular animal peeing. lmao.

so many horses!!!!!!!!!!!!! too many of them to be uploaded.
i just randomly grabbed one picture but this horse doesn't look as good as the rest. just the painting on the horse symbolized the Red Indian Breeds.

and yes i touched, carried, cuddled and hugged a young goat. white innocent goat.
lifetime experience.

to simply end this post, i uploaded one of the cutest picture i have taken of the alpaca.
he is smiling for my camera!! a poser he is. =)

yours truly,

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