the idea of visiting a winery has been around since last year but somehow it never happened.
perhaps after feeling bored of visiting the same theme parks for several times, we are desperate for something different and fresh. and so here we come, Albert River Wines!

our road trip, driven by Mr Chong Hao, and assisted by his secretary, TKC. i enjoyed this road trip so much due to the fabulous companion and the NOT-HAVE-TO travel by train or any public transport. the comfort of car. aww..

miles away from Brisbane..... the winery was somewhere near Gold Coast and Tamborine.

after our long journey in the car and the stop by at ikea, we finally arrived at the winery. it was an award winning wine boutique and famous for its wedding functions and its small little chapel. time to be a country girl. =)

that pretty much how the reception area looked like. filled with wines, liquor chocolates, home made wine jam, and winning trophies all around. the site of the trophies simply reassured us that we had chosen the right winery for sure. we paid AUS 5 only for the winery tour and the wine tasting too. effing cheap.

we tasted 5 different kind of wines and sadly i did not really enjoy it as i am not so much of a drinker. but my friends told me that their wines were awesome and 5-star ratings. all i felt after drinking 5 glasses of different wines was extreme hotness in my body! haha.lousy drinker, ain't i?

and then we embarked our self-tour, with the tamborine house as our first sight-seeing. pretty much an area where most weddings and solemnization functions are held, exactly like what you see in an American's style of wedding.

aisle for the bride and the bridegroom, a small little hut for the priest and chairs that are not arranged yet for the family and friends. the idea of having a wedding here is definitely breathtaking.

and then we headed to the winery plantation area. well, there weren't much for us to see and all we were entertained with was only the leaves. but yet it was still kinda fun to experience the plantation yourself. and once again the view was awesome!

and our next destination was the feeding farm. gosh, the lady there was so nice that she gave us a whole big box of food to feed the animals ranging from pumpkins to lettuces to carrots to potatoes to breads... and even an extremely huge sweet potato. it was so big and hard that we had a hard time figuring which animal to feed to till we discovered it was the porky.

i had never thought that porky teeth would be incredibly sharp and large. trust me, you just have to see it yourself to believe it. never underestimate a pig.

indeed one of the fiercest pig that i have encountered in my life. it was practically like crashing against the fence till the fence was distorted. and yet she was so unique for she was living together with the chickens in harmony and peace.

here comes my little story of Barry, the arrogant goat.
1) awww what a cute goat with such beautiful horns and colour! lol
2) alright, i might just feed you with lots lots lots of vege. bet you will like it.
3) barry, come here, food for u!!!
4) barry the goat simply rejected my vege and when the vege fell to the ground it refused to eat 'dirty' food. (uggh! so pissed off)
according to the owner, barry was a stubborn goat and hard one to handle. so much of a beauty.

and finally everyone gave up in feeding the barry. and koo even ended up feeding herself instead of the goat.lol. vege freak.

after the feeding session, we had the chance to play the bomberang and crack the whip like how an Aussie would do. the bomberang was fun and the owner was superbly awesome in throwing it. it would fly for miles and return to the field, just like a-U-style of flying. the boys were awesome in this too and i totally suck in it for not having the good arm muscle. haha..

learning how to crack the whip. we in it. even the old Granny there was way better than us. one simple whip that could create an incredibly loud crack sound.

Grape stomping! we missed it! sigh..because we went on a public holiday and the workers weren't there. oh well..the only disappointment we had from the trip.

Billy tea session, farmers' favourite place. i totally adore this picture; the colour, our positions and the lighting were totally perfect.

it was fun to be a pseudo-farm girl for a day, venturing into a whole total different lifestyle. and if i have to choose between city or countryside, i am ALL in for a farmer's life. come on, farming is way much more fun than the boring dispensing medicine routines.

now i missed that winery so much. the owners there were so sweet and they had simply make our trip a super duper memorable one. =) ( mek mek, we are touching u! lol!)
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