Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sweet Holiday

sweet holiday by cn blue
every title of my post shall be a song in my playlists which simply reflects on my scribbling content.
that's right folks, i'm on holiday now and within 2 weeks, i'll be back in Malaysia.
so peeps in Malacca, i shall meet you guys on 3rd December onwards.
as for now, i am extremely exhausted from searching houses and unpacking/packing stuffs.
and not to be forgotten, danny's 21st birthday party too.

me and my soon-not-to be roomie as we will be having separate rooms soon.

the birthday boy who seems extremely happy and delighted.

groupie picture.

Korean spicy food is hell of awesome and i'm totally lovin' it.
kimchi, hot pot, charcoal BBQ..u name it and i shall eat it with joy. ^^
btw, i am shifting into a new room tomorrow and hopefully it will be fine, totally free from mold, nosy owner and crappy house.
(cheryl's style- sorry inside joke for malaccans only)

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