Monday, July 5, 2010


Finally, tomorrow is Tuesday and soon i will be in Melbourne, reunited with my sister. been waiting for this trip for so long and it is finally here. feels surreal.

So, for two weeks, i will not be in Brisbane. i do really hope that this trip will mend all the sadness i had during my last semester. and perhaps i might return to Brisbane as a happier person if possible!

see ya guys! shall be blogging from Melbourne instead!

p/s: I am so excited of seeing my sister, Carolynn and Melissa again! Don't claim i am fat when you first see me! It is a big NO-NO!

Lotso looking evil as usual. Bad bear.
i am gonna end this post with my fan 'girling' mode.
Suju 'No Other' Performance.
i have been replaying the video for like 100 times and I could never get bored with it.
an amazing performance is usually one that looks effortless but yet entertaining.

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