Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Doggie Doggie Doggie

Howdy, people! i can't stand looking at a stagnant blog so i am gonna crap about something. i never told anyone that i adore dog, but i really do especially those with long shiny beautiful fur and short legs. totally do not like small dogs like chi hua hua, Maltese, or Scottish terrier as they somehow tend to be 24 hours attention seeker and i am not that attention giver. i adore dogs with long beautiful fur as they look extremely handsome, strong, powerful and memerizing. eye catching. definitely not a dog expert or a veterinary science student.. but i enjoy watching 'gao gao'. and honestly, i rather choose a dog with pride and elegant instead of those small cuddly extra furry white small tiny pouch size dog. so here comes my favourite dog list.
this is not a post about dog breeds or what-so-ever, it is just about which dog i have crushes on.

1) Border Collie
top on my list and indeed the most intelligent dog listed in a book written by Stanley Coren which obey nearly 95% of commands . astonishing. i am totally into the black and white one. a must family dog. =)

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2) Golden Retriever
who doesn't love Marley? still an adorable loyal dog despite his earlier bad behaviour. dogs are just dogs. i love golden retriever pups, they look freaking innocent but yet the main reason i love golden retriever is simply because of their beautiful golden fur. it just make them look expensive.

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3) Pembroke Welsh Corgi
doggy with the shortest leg ever. effing cute with stunning golden white fur and i just love their triangle ears. significant triangle ears popping out from their small faces.

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4) Chow Chow
one of the fattest dog i have ever seen, despite being fatter than others, it is indeed one extremely super adorable dog with real small 'sepet' eyes,puff up face, and hell of sexy butt. don't get me wrong, i am not a dog pervert but every time when i look at this dog, the butt seems to be the main attraction. -_-''

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before i abruptly end my post again, here comes the world saddest dog. lol. nah, it is my sis's favourite dog. i do admit it is cute but it has this super wrinkly sad face that makes u go awwwwww all the times.


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