Friday, August 15, 2008

after physic test....

my eyes have always been small and as measured by xiang xiang a couple of weeks ago, the length of my eyes are only 0.5cm. wth?? tiny small.

and after my phsyic test, they taught me a technique to enlarge my eyes when taking picutres...and the masters of the day -master one - ms xiang xiang

master 2 - ms melissa tan ai lin (metal)

before the experiments and lessons were done on me...
(small eyes)


aim : to enable shen to enlarge her eyes more than 0.5cm

hypothesis : when she does not show her teeth while smiling, the eyes will be wider than usual.

material : shen's eyes, master one- ms xiang xiang, master two- ms melissa, camera phone, gash as control experiment

variables : independent : the amount of teeth shown ( lol-sounds weird)
dependent : the length of my eye
constant : masters, shen

method :
1)get a girl with a large eye to compare the size of your eyes. pull your eyebrown up for step one of eye enlargement.

2)open your eyes as big as possible until both masters are satisfied with the size of the eyes.

3)remove your fingers and make sure the size of eyes remained the same like previously.

4) compare the size of your eyes with the eyes of the person with large eyes ( best person with large eyes will definitely be my roommate, gash) for confirmation that the enlargement is big enough.

5) practice and practice and make it perfect....till both of the masters agree.

Results :
a small-eyed gurl will now have big eyes when taking picutres.

Conclusions : so when you do not show your teeth while taking picture, your eyes will be larger than usual after applying the method above. Hypothesis proven to be true.

systematic errors : the camera phone used to snap the pictures might not be well-calibrated. (hahaaa thanks to bio and chem callibration word has become a must must in all lab reports)

random errors : variation in the master's opinion on determining whether shen's eyes are big enough or not



Anonymous said...

cute post.. :)

Shir Li said...

Yeah cute post too :) I love ur hair. So long n pretty now

Anonymous said...

Fantastic experiment! I'll try to do it. I think you are too absorbed into Physics world already.
This post really makes me laugh like hell!

Anonymous said...

so funny...
hahah ;D