Sunday, October 19, 2008

Revealing the unrevealed pictures.

lol...check out the title- i was just trying to trick my sister cause i am pretty sure that she is anticipating for certain pictures that i just refused to upload anywhere on the net..sorry sis but sometimes it just takes time to accept things around me......
but somehow this post is just a random post of mine revealing the unrevealed pictures of my friends and i.....some are ugly some are pretty and some are weird........

1) shen's busy sms mode activated.

2)jillian san and shen san....who in this world would not love her? not even me.
3) when both of us are supposed to watch some bio videos in the media room...
naughty cam-whorers.

4) shen's sleeping mode activated.

5) when shen gets too much of mamak food.....msg queen.

6)when two girls get bored while waitng for some guys trying on coats..

7)when shen had her very first sunnies...

8)when shen is shen.
p/s: he told me that he loves this picture a lot... >.<

9) when we were the first customers of the day in pak li kopitiam.

10) when two sexy gurls lying on the bed...

11) the members of room 4/406..

12) when the intec new library just opened...

13)when i found a malaccan junior and she is such a sweeeeeeeeeet gurl...malacca product.

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