Thursday, January 1, 2009

Secondary School.

this wasn't supoosed to be my first post of the year 2009.
but i couldn't resist myself.

jyi tagged me in facebook with old pictures during our school days and looking back at those pictures, it just made me laugh and realised that how much we have grew up.
certainly i could never deny the fact that spending my time in school is one of those memorable moments in my life.

waking up at six, going to school at seven, entering the prefectorial room, do the usual checks on the prefects, assembly, entering classroom, listening to teachers mumbling away at the front while trying to stay awake, recess rush for food, chit-chat with friends along the corridor, 30 seconds for prefects, back to class, enter labs from bio to physic, class finished, on duty to sweep the floor, go for afternoon duties, attend club meetings from rangers to chess to sports...., compete with friends to complete homework, wait for mum at the porch, here comes the horn jump into the car, back home and night tuition, start looking at guys
hahahaha well,that's the only moment we can see guys...since we are from single sex i really enjoyed those days...

when i see my old pics..
with super short hair...
in glasses...
petite in size...
haha but i guess during those days the beauty of physical appearance was never a part of my life....

chemistry lab....
how much i miss my chem teacher...and my group was the black listed one for being noisy.
and those days that i broke test tubes, boiling tubes, flask, slides...hahaa
clumsy since those days.

leaving the phsyic lab..
i really heart those corridors..
and because of that picture
i swore that i would return to that school at least before i fly.

during form 4..
when we were still probationary prefects...

gotcha that's me on the left side..
haha now you believe what i mean when i say i am not a beauty in class but a beast..kakakaka

that's form 3..when we were given the chance to torture juniors..

my football team.
can you believe that my school actually owns a NIKE ball??

again form 4
taking a picture for the production of our class magazine.

MY MASTERPIECE with mei yueh & yuin yi
which i am still utterly proud of it!!!!!!

during form 5
modern dance competition.
haha yes i dance.

5 science 1.
oooo..i just miss that class..

and when we retired as prefects!!
see our joy??
being a prefect in my school is bad..
loaded with work and act like a slave..

post spm party.
see no evil, talk no evil, hear no evil

somehow a coconut tree is sexy and irresistible to be hug.

spongebob squarepants.
aiyah captain we are sailing..........

during spm results day.
those smiles on our faces.

now even after so many years we have graduated from school

we still remained as one strong group of friends.
though misunderstandings do occur from time to time,
we learnt from our mistakes and forgive one another.
and that's how we love each other.
i love you guys,
li lin, jyi, eunice, bee fang, luah, pin, cherylyn, mei yueh, onn onn, darlynn, moi, thanuja,
seow lin,lynna, hui qwan, siang, yuin yi, jasmin, mei mae, e-shynn, soo cheng..
and the rest of the classmates.

p/s: at least i am no more a beast. haha.

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