Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Now Routine

gone intec days..gone exam days..
somehow deep down i miss those hectic days..where at least we do not know need to figure out what to do for the rest of the day for there is always something to do, be it assignments, presentations, homework, or studies.
now i feel as if life is so meaningless...restless...
and my routine for the past few days???
i definitely can't wait for next week where at least i have something more appreciative to do.
lol though it wasn't for the reason that i will be studying there but i will make sure that i return to the same place where i will be going. i promise.

1) sleeping till late in the morning has become a must-must in my daily routine.
and my bed is never neat ever since my exams are over. and it seems like i find lots of warmth and happiness just by lying on the bed staring at walls. call me freak or anything but i love doing it everyday.

2) drinking vitagen has always become my routine since i was young. even when i was studying in intec, i will always crashed the koperasi just to get a bottle of it despite the extremely expensive price. but now since mum will stock up for me, vitagen has become my soul drink indeed.

3) 'reading' driving book has just recently become my rountine. though i have only read one page so far, i doubt i will ever progress from there. but no matter what this is something that you would see lying on my room floor for sure.

4) shopping spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favourite for now for sure. i can imagine the fear in daddy's eyes everytime when i am back in malacca for there is definitely something that i would buy. but now considering the fact that i am extremely free, the amount of clothes that i will buy is definitely endless, uncountable and unstoppable. come on, don't blame me. shopping is girl's favourite.

4) downloading songs is unexceptionable too... lemme see.. today itself i have downloaded nearly 25 songs...sigh... boredom can only be excreted by listening to songs... few of my favourite new songs for now would definitely be single ladies by beyonce, you're not sorry by taylor swift, superhuman by chirs brown, cry for you by September, rehab by Rhianna, it's over by jesse mccartney, secret valentine by we the kings, bottle it up by sara bareillas............etc and etc.... you guys can definitely trust my taste in music....

5) and of course my holidays will never be perfect without messaging you you you you! you know who are you..........just imagine i just bought my phone one and a half month ago and the amount of messages that i have sent is 3298..thanks to at least my holidays is less bored considering the fact that i am often spilled with cheesy words..wakaka...

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